Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sterilisation of a disabled person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sterilisation of a disabled person - Essay Example Such as stomach cramps, that she was suffering. Sarah also highlights that fact that Amanda has no realistic prospects of ever having children hysterectomy i.e. remove the daughters womb so as "to improve her quality of life† a number of gynaecologists are backing Sarah’s demands however various disabled rights group are horrified by he prospects of doctors removing Amanda womb "just because she is disabled they argue that she has "just as much right as anyone else to grow up with her body intact to have the opportunity to choose whether to give birth to her own children’s. Her human rights would be violated". 1) Introduce the relevant issues. I.e. is it appropriate to sterilise a minor without their consent. Briefly look at the relevance on the effect on the carers looking after someone disabled. Look at the nature of the operations it’s not without risk? And it’s not reversible. Also briefly look at the disabled rights. Brief mention on human rights also. 2) Main body of the assignment. Criticise the law. Also its â€Å"best interest test† critique it. Convenient arguments if the court declare it to be lawful, the whose convenience is it for. Absence of consent could also be discussed. Human rights on Eugenic( population) The issue of the sterilisation of children who are mentally handicapped has always been an emotive topic and one that is very controversial. Despite protestations by the parents of the handicapped child that they are acting in the best interests of the child many see this as a violation of the right of the woman to reproduce. In Re D (A Minor) (Wardship: Sterilisation) [1976] 1 All ER 326 an educational psychologist who had been concerned with the child’s welfare applied for a wardship order which was duly granted by the court. In this case the child’s mother had asked a hospital to sterilise her daughter as she was concerned that her daughter who had

Monday, October 28, 2019

East Asia History Essay Example for Free

East Asia History Essay Q1a Meaning of sumo and baseball in Japan In Japan, Sumo and baseball are the central sports and depict the cultural belief of achievement, individual effort and character. Sumo is very significant â€Å"to the roots of Japan and is a form of national pride. Therefore sumo is a reflection of the historical Japan, and is today the most important sport acting as a national symbol. Somo was always encouraged young men and boys. However with the growing number of the youth, who have not seen the importance of the traditions of their forefathers have discarded this sport and replaced it with the contemporary sport of baseball. This means that baseball is taking centre stage as the most popular sort especially for the urban youth. Sumo in a way is a representative of the old generation being replaced by a modern sport of baseball. Q3. The position of women in neo-Confucian cultures â€Å"It has been justly remarked that a nation’s civilization may be estimated by the rank which females hold in society. If the civilization of China be judged of by this test, she is surely far from occupying that first place which she so strongly claims† (Chinese repository, 313). This is the remark about women in China, and is correct by all means. In many cultures across the world women and men posses’ distinct functions and responsibilities and in the Neo-Confucian cultures women held a very important position but a lesser one from that of men. Confucians viewed the family â€Å"as a microcosm of the state† which was ruled by a male emperor, therefore it meant that the man was the natural head of the home. The position of women was at home where she was to assume the responsibilities or ‘Dao’ (woman’s way) of a wife and mother. Her other roles included the upbringing of children which included their education. The woman was called to be obedient to her father first, secondly to her husband and to her grown son. Such views portrayed a woman as a tool for men, which would lead eventually to such cultural practices of â€Å"foot-binding† (meant to limit the mobility of females and serve as erotic pleasure for the men. ) Other practices included the â€Å"cult of chastity† where windows were elevated to the role of â€Å"cultural heroes† also such practices led to such harsh traditions of selling unwanted daughters. http://chnm. gmu. edu/wwh/modules/lesson10/lesson10. php? s=0 Confucianism eventually was labeled as the â€Å"chief causes for Chinas failure to modernize† by the â€Å"May fourth â€Å"generation that comprised of communists and intellectuals. Buddhism in china and Japan changed the influence that Confucianism had on the belief of women’s position in the society. By late 19th century, the liberation for the women became a major driving force within the reform and revolution movements. Male crusaders advocated for greater role for the women in the transformation of their nation. Educated women from Japan and China rallied behind them and started speaking and writing publicly for the first time. This attracted opposition and protests from the conservatives and traditionalists who wanted the status quo of gender roles to remain. They viewed the female activists as â€Å"unseemly, unfeminine and too western†. (http://chnm. gmu. edu/wwh/modules/lesson10/lesson10. php? s=0) The journey to liberation for the women is not over yet; but bolder steps have been made towards this end. And in the contemporary East Asia, women have been honored alongside men for their militant participation against in the Taiping Rebellion, where Hakka women fought against Mancho government as soldiers. Q4.  The state of Chinese economy at the time of the Chairman Mao’s death in 1976 to date In May 16th 1966 Chairman Mao Zedong lunched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that resulted to widespread power struggles that almost brought China to the brink of Civil War. Because of this strain China’s Economy stagnated which also affected the social and political aspect of the republic. ( http://en. wikipedia. org) After the fall of ‘the Gang of Four’ Hua Guofeng and later in 1977 Deng Xiaoping led China in affirming the modernization Programme that had been started by Zhou Enlai in 1975. Deng Xiaoping further initiated new Policies towards achieving the Four Modernizations. The Policies played a very important role in revitalizing the economy of China. The policies played a very important role of strengthening the authority that managers and economic decision makers had as opposed to political or party officials. ( http://en. wikipedia. org) Through these policies workers were offered material incentives, research and education systems were highly strengthened and strategize for an increase in foreign trade. In the period between 1976 and 1978 the economy started peaking from the Cultural Revolution. China’s economy was wholly dependent on agriculture, which had been adversely affected by three years of poor weather in 1977 that saw the drop of agricultural output. However the harvest hit a record high of 14% in 1977 and 13% in 1978. ( http://en. wikipedia. org) Today China’s economy is rated among the highest in the world becoming the world’s second largest and rated as the fastest growing economy in modern history with ac consistent GDP of over 10 %. ( http://en. wikipedia. org)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Land Management Agency Discretion :: essays research papers

Agency discretion towards land management has been an issue since the Forest Service’s conception. Gifford Pinchot had envisioned local foresters managing lands with ideas and guidelines that have been developed with modern science and conservation in mind. Since then, laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Wilderness Bill and Endangered Species Act have limited the amount of authority and discretion a land management agency has over a particular area. These laws along with the current forest plans under the Land & Resource Management plans under the 1982 Regulations have made it possible for agencies to be subject to public opinion of whether the forest plans are best suited for a particular area and if the agency is successfully implementing these forest objectives. Historically, land management agency discretion has been much greater than present day. Land management was left to scientists and forest professionals who were entrusted with managing public forests for the common good. This allowed for land management agencies to act without opposition from conflicting view points. But during the 1960’s and 70’s, America started to question the federal government and science. With the passage of NEPA, the public became more involved with policy decision making and opened agencies up to lawsuits and litigation. According to National Forest System Land & Resource Management Planning (1982 Regulations) Sec. 219.6, the intent of public participation in the National Forest system is to broaden the information base upon which land and resource management planning decisions are made. It is also the intent to ensure that the Forest Service understands the needs, concerns and values of the public. NEPA requires that the Forest Service issues Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), hold public comment periods, and issue a description of the proposed planning action that is available to the public. Though this limits agency discretion towards public lands, it is the values of the public that dictate how public lands should be managed. America’s National Forests and public lands are intended to represent the public’s values and interests. With the requirement that the land management agencies issue EIS reports, land management discretion has been limited. Not only are the agencies required to report the current environmental health of a proposed area, but offer alternative plans as well. NEPA has held agencies accountable for how the public’s National Forests are managed. No longer could agencies, at their own discretion, choose which the best way to manage public lands is whether or not it coincides with what the public wants out of its lands.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Equality and inclusion in adult social care settings Essay

Diversity is to respect everyone’s differences, regardless of race, nationality, age, religion, culture, gender, beliefs, ability and talent. Each person is an individual, and by respecting this people can be valued on their contributions, and not subject to negative response due to their differences. Respecting and embracing peoples differences will allow for a better working environment, and will make everyone feel more happy. Diversity is important in the work place, as staff are employed on there previous accomplishments and job skill, their personal differences do not effect the recruitment decision. Where I work we have different staff members from all round the world, with different culture’s, beliefs and gender, yet we all work together as a team, and every is treats each other with respect. Equality is to be respectful of others and treat people fairly, and accommodate for their needs. One of my duty’s as a support worker is to promote independence, and get the best out of the service users. I can do this by assessing the clients individually, and finding what makes them happy and what inspires them, this aids me when attempting make them to feel successful and equal. Equality is also promoting the individuals rights, giving them choices at every opportunity is a good example. Read more: How does equality reduce discrimination  essay Inclusion is all about getting people involved, and making people feel respected and valued, without considering their, disability, culture, religion, gender, and age. Providing equal access and opportunity’s, without discrimination. In my work place, all staff are given equal opportunity to progress, and participate in relevant training, which allows them to progress. Effects of Discrimination include; 1. Affecting an individual’s self esteem 2. stereotyping 3. feeling isolated 4. labelling of others 5. Harassment 6. Individuals being treated less favorably than others 7. Prejudice and injustice The effects of discrimination can be horrible. Discrimination can leave people feeling very low, with no self-esteem. It promotes harassment, and bullying. Discrimination can lead to abuse, verbally or physically. Individuals who are subject to discrimination will experience stress, anxiety, depression, and frustration, this can make the working environment a horrible place. Discrimination is not treating people equal, and not giving them them the same opportunity’s due to their age, gender, sexuality, disability or religion, resulting in an adverse effect on their personal development. Inclusive practice, revolves around having a positive attitude, and making sure your approachable at all times, and being sensitive to the individuals needs, this makes sure that no one is isolated or excluded. Being aware of the individuals diverse needs when supporting them, and making them feel valued and respected whilst promoting independence. Being aware of the effects of discrimination, allows a support worker to fully appreciate why it is important to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Outcome 2 (2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5) The Equality Act 2010 This is to stop discrimination and respect the rights of individual. In care services it means that you must offer the same quality of care to all regardless of race, religion colour or other protected characteristic. Implementing the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 The government has increasingly recognised the contribution that carers make to society and has passed legislation that acknowledges their needs and  entitles them to an assessment and services in their own right. In 2004, the government introduced the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004. The Act seeks to ensure that carers are identified and informed of their rights, that their needs for education, training, employment and leisure are taken into consideration and that public bodies recognise and support carers. (inclusion) (information sourced from Race Relations Act 1976 The Race Relations Act protects you from racial discrimination. â€Å"An Act to make fresh provision with respect to discrimination on racial grounds and relations between people of different racial groups; and to make in the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 amendments for bringing provisions in that Act relating to its administration and enforcement into conformity with the corresponding provisions in this Act.† (information sourced from Disability Discrimination Act 1995 An Act to make it unlawful to discriminate against disabled persons in connection with employment, the provision of goods, facilities and services or the disposal or management of premises; to make provision about the employment of disabled persons; and to establish a National Disability Council. (diversity) (information sources from The key codes of practices include; to protects the rights of the service user, and promote the services users interest, while respecting there individual needs, and diversity. To maintain the trust and confidence of the service user. By not complying with the legislation set in place, it more than likely you will be dismissed from work, and could even face prosecution. It is likely before this happens you would be constantly challenged by colleagues on your work performance. By not complying, you would be effectively initiating bad practice, and promoting bullying, racial discrimination, Prejudice and injustice. All this would have a negative effect on not just yourself, but the clients you support and colleagues. Your own beliefs, culture and values, can affect what job an individual is able to do, for a example a  vegetarian would not work in a slaughter house. In some cultures they do not tolerate same sex relationships, this can cause friction if supporting an individual who is homosexual, or working along side a homosexual. This is why it is important to remain professional, and none judgemental. It is also important to be aware of your own personal preferences, and try hard not to impose them when encouraging service user to make a choice, for example; at my current job, I will often present the clients with options of preferred activity’s and asks them if they would like to participate, I have to remain as impartial as possible when coming up with the selection of preferred activity’s, and make sure they are the clients preferences and not my own, this list of activity’s will include walks, going to the flower shop, swimming or playing football. My personal preferences would be to play football, so I would have to be extra careful not to encouraging this, as the client may only choose that activity to please me, I may accidentally encourage playing football, just by smiling or making positive facial expression when suggesting it. This also applies when offering any form of choice, in some religions they don’t eat pork, so when a support worker is offering a choice of food, they might not include bacon sandwiches on the menu. Being aware of your own beliefs and preferences, and respecting other’s is essential to maintaining good practice. Everyone has different beliefs, preferences and values. It is likely you are going to get on well with people who share the same values, and desires as yourself, oppose to people who have a different set of values, this is why it is important to maintain a professional working relationship with your colleagues and client. By adhering to relevant legislation in regard to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination a support worker can avoid imposing their own beliefs, value’s and preferences on others, and maintain good practice. When interacting with others, its important to respect their there beliefs, cultures, values and preferences. This can be done by simply by being aware of them, for example, if a client likes to stay in bed until 12am on Sundays, then do not disturb him until he wakes up. If an individual is fasting in accordance with their re ligion, do not keep offering food. Also its important not to challenge someone’s preference, for example political differences, one person may be nationalist and the other a socialist, this topic is best left alone as this conversation can quickly  escalate into a heated debate. It is also important to be respectful when offering options, for example, it would not be appropriate to offer a vegetarian a bacon sandwich. When allocating jobs its important to consider the clients personal preferences and beliefs, some client may find it uncomfortable to have personal care with the opposite sex, so its important to respect that and allocate appropriate staff. Inclusive practice means getting everyone involved, and making everyone part of the solution, and including them on all decision making. By catering for their specific individual needs, will ensure everyone feels respected, wanted and value. Practices that exclude individuals, would involve activity’s that only cater for one genre of people, for example a game where everyone needs to speak English, this may exclude others. Activity’s that is only male or female oriented, this will exclude the opposite sex. Only suggesting options that are easy for the support worker to do, and not considering other people preferences, or disability’s. Outcome 3 (31. 3.2 3.3) Challenging discrimination makes the working environment a more friendly place for everyone. It is important that all staff and other professionals challenge discrimination, and promote equality, and diversity. Here is a number of ways that support workers can challenge discrimination in a way that promotes changes; 1. Zero tolerance of any form of discrimination. 2. Regular reviews, so that everyone is aware of the repercussion of discrimination. 3. All staff should have adequate training, on how not to discriminate, and the process of reporting it if observed. Also staff should be trained on how to prevent discrimination. 4. If discrimination occurs, action should be taken immediately. 5. Making detailed records and reporting all incidents of discrimination. 6. Making sure all staff have read the code of practice and policy’s, that explains the practices that must not occur, in relation to discrimination. Empowering everyone with the ability to report discrimination can be a useful prevention tactic. Setting high standards of how to not discriminate, and  then making everyone aware of this, along with how to report it, is essential. Making it clear to everyone, that you can still report discrimination even though its not yourself being discriminated. Enforcing high standards of equality and avoiding discrimination, can be done in simple ways such as; having signs put up around the home that indicate, all residents and staff must be treated equally, and respected, and any forms of discrimination is unacceptable, having an agreement, from all staff, and residents that mutual respect is to be expected. The easiest way to raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion is simply talking about it, the more people talk about it, the more they become aware of it. Training all staff in the subject will also promote awareness, and spark of more discussions. The more people discuss the matter, and bring their different opinion to the discussion the more aware people become, they then will implement these experiences into everyday practice. Providing policies and procedures and even leaflets highlighting the information regarding diversity and equality can raise awareness, to a support worker Detailing what the consequences are, of not following the agreed ways of working can also be helpful in promoting awareness. When supporting others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion, its best to simply set an example. Supporting others irrespective of their age, sex, culture, or religious beliefs. Getting everyone involved and respecting and celebrating their differences. Also reminding people of the challenges disabled people may face, for instance, when a residents family member decided to visit, who was in a wheel chair, I simply reminded my colleagues that she might struggle up the stairs, and instructed them to put the ramp out before she arrived.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Grandpa to Me

R Truby 1 Robert T. Truby Instructor Vincent Basso English 101. 064 30 January 2012 Robert H. Truby I have a grandfather named Robert Henry Truby. Before he was born in 1945, two of his uncles were shot and killed. One was named Bill and another was named Sam. In the early 1900s, there was a feud between my family and another up by Bondad, Colorado. A gangster rancher by the name of Ike Cox shot two of his uncles as a result of this family feud. The mother could not bear the chance of losing another son. Right after Sam’s death, she decided to move the family and their cattle to New Mexico.My bloodline moved to an unforgiving desert seeking survival. They moved to a remote location called Largo Canyon to raise their cattle and children. The dry summers were hot and the winters were cold. A presence of a prior civilization cultivated the surrounding landscape with Native American culture and evidence. Coyotes and cattle didn’t always get along so Henry, my great grandfat her, trapped coyotes. Coincidently, coyotes were worth more than cattle at the time. A lot of people lost their ranch to the bank or to the government because of tax foreclosures, but not Henry.Henry used his money to buy ranches surrounding his own for a small price. After that the Truby ranch reached sixty-six sections, totaling 42,240 acres. The amount of responsibility with that much land was staggering. For example, guarantying a thousand cows have what they need is like having a thousand babies R Truby 2 making certain they have what they need. To some, raising cattle was harder than raising children. My family was invested in cattle and did what they had to do to get by. Henry had one son named Robert Henry Truby, my grandfather. I call him Papo (Pah-Poe. ) Robert helped his father with the ranch since he could walk.Robert had an overwhelming love and trust towards his father. He left for Las Cruces to attend their university to study Animal Science; however, he would drive o ver eight hundred miles every weekend to help Henry ranch. To Robert, money couldn’t replace moments and time he shared with his father. One semester away from graduating with a degree, Robert learned he had to go back and help ranch. It was never a choice. His family needed him and he was okay setting aside personal goals. An analysis of my grandfather reveals his character; however, there is more to him than meets the eye.Nothing is dearer to my grandfather than family and everybody in this family treasures nothing more than his character. My dad’s attitude towards my grandfather is worth quoting. â€Å"I have never had more respect or trust towards a man. He gave me a foundation to live. He is a sense of home. I know I can always go to him for help. † You could not ask more from a father. My grandmother, Rachael, had her own words to describe my grandpa. â€Å"He is gentle. He is caring and loving. † Robert gave her his word when they got married that he would stay true and for that he will stay forever faithful.Challenges they’ve faced is a list that defines devotion and care towards one another. Grandma Rachael still gives him backrubs so he must be doing something right. After almost fifty years of marriage, Robert and Rachael have sealed the sanctity of their marriage. My family wouldn’t be a family without him and for that we are forever grateful. R Truby 3 Although Papo resembles a pioneer from an older generation, he still fits into today’s society in his own way. I’m about six inches taller than my grandpa right now and he still tells me I might be as tall as him one day.Papo always looks younger with a hat on because it covers up the part of his head that’s missing hair. It doesn’t matter where he’s at he’ll have on a pair of boots and a pair of wranglers. He’ll wear a polo shirt that buttons just at the top when he goes to town. When he’s working arou nd the house he’ll wear a shirt that may have everything from paint to sawdust on it. That’s my grandfather’s style and it’s never changed. Papo is stronger than he looks and smarter than he thinks. My grandpa doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke, but he drinks a lot of coke.After all the Coca-Cola he’s had in the past sixty-eight years, Papo is still working out on the farm. It hurts his back, but he still gets out there and does what needs to be done. He values his John Deer tractors. After mastering all the skills of farming, old age seems to take over just a little bit. It is quite humorous to watch Papo drive the tractor because he’s always running over stuff. It’s not on purpose. His perception is just off a little. He won’t take the obvious blame, instead he’ll jokingly blame it one someone or something else. He knows that his family won’t believe him and that’s what makes it even funnier.My grandpa has his own sense of humor that I find intriguing and different. I may have more respect for my father, but I feel closer to Robert. We’ve got the same name, but that’s not the reason. I have a connection with my grandpa that words cannot describe. He is my idol. I look up to him in all things, except when it comes to computers. He is not very good with computers. He holds a lot of feelings back in fear that he will upset someone. In order to find out if I’ve let him down, I have to know him on a deeper level. This can be quite difficult because he is so subtle and modest. My grandpa wants me to be the best I can be.I can’t tell you R Truby 4 how many times Papo reminded me to go to school and to do my homework so I can get a good job one day. I am his lineage and I am a direct reflection of this man. I am his only grandson. If I found out that I let my grandfather down, it would hurt me and I would beat myself up for it. It is my responsibility to make him proud. That is partly why I’m here. Even if his words of wisdom may at times become repetitive, I listen and respectfully nod my head. Whatever I do he somehow feels responsible for and he wants me to learn from his past and his mistakes that followed.Sadly my grandpa has to work at an old age without retirement because he has worked for himself his whole life. When he is too old to work anymore he will have to sell the farm. I’m sure he would like to keep the farm if he could. He’s guiding me in the right direction to be financially stable and he knows the rest will follow. I will always hear his voice in my head telling me what to do or which decision to make. I’ll hear him telling me to hang in there when times get tough. I hope I become half the man he is because he is more than my grandfather. He is my hero.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay Example

The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay Example The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay In this essay I will tell how the Aztec and Inca empires ended, and also I will compare the fall of both empires, using for a point of departure the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the land of Mexico. Wherever the Spanish went always the same thing happened, from my point of view. Innocent people were killed for no good reason, cities were massacred, civilizations were destroyed or forced to convert to Christianity. And so, I think now is the time to reevaluate the actions of the European explorers who subjugated the native American peoples and their civilizations. Undoubtedly the most glorified and heroically portrayed of these figures of the European conquest of the New World were the conquistadors, the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16-th century. These men, under leaders such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizzaro nearly eliminated the Aztec and Inca peoples. Surely many of these soldiers were extremely cruel and intolerant of the native populations. But it is important to consider, with the push of both sides toward territorial expansion, how these groups (European and American) could remain isolated from each other. Furthermore, with meeting of these two imperialist cultures, it must be considered whether it would be possible for the two to peacefully coexist. From the point of view of what we know today it seems impossible that Europe could have remained completely ignorant until the XVI century with respect a civilization that by then had existed in Mexico for more than one thousand five hundred years. Equally astonishing is the indifference that the conquerors showed towards the universe that by pure luck crossed their path. Nothing shows the attitude Cortes had attitude that he kept util the end of the conquest better than the gift he made to the Aztec chiefs: even though his wonder upon discovering signs of a great cultural refinement, he did not doubt for even one moment that he was in the presence

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ship Masters Business The WritePass Journal

Ship Masters Business Ship Masters Business IntroductionBIBLIOGRAPHYREFERENCESRelated Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Introduction As per this scenario own vessel was on a voyage charter,if on a voyage charter the ship owner provides the charter party with details of ship particulars,capacity and Registry. The ship shall proceed with reasonable dispatch.Vessel shall proceed with Reasonable dispatch,after this the owner shall undertake to carry the cargo destination. A list of expected perils. The charter agrees to pay freight and provides full cargo,as per voyage charterer if the vessel does not arrives at a certain Port on a certain day ,the cancelling clause gives the charter the full right for cancelling the contract. Own vessel loaded a cargo of high grade steel pipes,On loading some steel appeared to be rusty.None of the concerned parties appointed a surveyor. Own vessel also accepted a letter of indemnity from the seller and signed a clean ‘Bill of Lading’(BOL).A clean BOL means that contains no positive defective condition ,The importance of BOL is it is an evidence of contract and it is a receipt of goods carried. It is the duty of master to check cargo practically as stated in the BOL and if it mets the criteria as stated then he should sign the BOL. By signing a bill of lading   without checking the cargo the Master has become to party of fraud,Due to this no claim will be covered by the PI,In this case Master should have signed a CLAUSED BOL.Its a BOL that contains a positive notation of a defective condition of the cargo covered,material ,of its packaging Own Vessel sailed out with faulty Navigational equipment(RADAR)and this fault was aware to the Master and also the company.this showed that the Master of own vessel did not exercise due-deligence to make the vessel sea worthy and sailed out for Sea with faulty navigational equipment,which   lead to a collision with the container vessel. Due-diligence means all efforts should be made ,So that the vessel meets all the requirements to make the vessel seaworthy. To meet these requirements the vessel shall be properly manned and should have qualified , competent and well trained staff on Board.Ensure that the vessel can proceed to sea without any harm or danger to the Personnel,Property or Marine environment. Ensure that the vessel carries all the necessary equipment as per SOLAS regulations. Also the Equipment, Cargo,Hatches   is well maintained and in good condition.Cargo shall be looked and maintained on board until it is finally discharged.This will ensure that the Master and the company has exercised Due-diligence. The container vessel which had sailed out in a seaworthy condition,this vessel was complying with SOLAS regulations and H-V rules when she sailed out for sea.But a day before the collision the vessel was short manned as 2nd officer was Medically evacuated due to serious injury and rest all officers were working short handed,This lead to short manning which eventually caused fatigue to its officers   and thereby breached SOLAS regulationsThis made the container vessel unseaworthy at the time of collision. But the MCA Guidelines (MSN 1778 (M)),allows a vessel to sail for shorter voyage ,if in incase of emergency ,in the case of short manning ,on a condition that the remaining officers on board are not undergoing through stress or fatigue,due to short manning   and also the ILO guidelines of work are observed(ILO guideline 174),in this   case the owner of the vessel could be had liable ,if apart from breaching SOLAS regulations,the guidelines from MCA has not been followed. Apart from these liabilities ,that has caused by the vessel’s owner due to the breach of statutory regulations and requirements,this incident of collision leads to further liabilities,Own vessel besides the liability incurred by the vessel’s owner due to violation   of article 3 of Hague rules to provide proper documentations and a seaworthy Vessel. Due to collision and the vessel being towed to port of refuge,Liability will also be incurred due to the delay caused in delivery of cargo on time.Also the vessel was loaded with high grade steel pipes,since the vessel collided and suffered collision damage on N0 1 Hold,due to water ingress might have also caused damage to the steel pipes.Expenses incurred due to damage to a ship and its cargo. Own vessel suffered damage at forward N o 1H-port side,which resulted in partial flooding.The container vessel suffered minor Hull damage forward and several containers were lost at sea and some were being jettisoned to help the vessel to prevent water ingress.Master’s duty is to do whatever,necessary or reasonable,so that he can save the ship and cargo from any loss or damage.This allows him   to Jettison the cargo,so that is prudent and safe continuation of the voyage. Both vessels were towed to port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs. As per Hague Visby rules â€Å" the carrier is bound, before and at the beginning of the voyage, to exercise due diligence†. Make the ship seaworthy. Properly manned, equipped and supply the ship. After receiving the goods into his charge the master or carrier or agent,on demand of the shipper ,issue to the shipper a Bill of lading[1] CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE MASTER When there is a collision the MASTER shall follow the following steps:- Inform the company,owners,charterers,PI clubs and Port Authorities . EVIDENCE COLLECTION. Details of both the ships. Deck and Engine log books with entries. All the printouts and graphs from bridge equipments. All the navigational charts before and after collision. All navigational equipment in use at time of collision. Weather conditions at the time of incident. At the time of contact the vessels estimated courses and speed. Communications and signals made a the time of collision. Statements from witnesses after collision. Details of VTS or Port Control if any in operation at the time of incident. Mitigate losses to ship owner. â€Å" The owner should exercise burden of proof relating to the exercise of due diligence as the vsls navigational equipment was faulty which eventually led to a collision with the container vessel. Whenever loss or damage has been resulted on account of unseaworthiness the burden of proof of due diligence should be on the carrier or the other person claming exemption under this article. The onus is cast on the carrier in relation to proof of due diligence, until the other party has established that the vessel was unseaworthy and his loss was due to that fact, alternatively the burden of proof should rest with the carrier who is the only party to have access to the whole   fact†[2] A prudent Master should act reasonably as per the regulations to mitigate liabilities. So the vessel’s owners has to protect themselves under Marine Insurance at all times and mitigate liability it is necessary to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and requirements. 2. Salvage: â€Å"As per the scenario the master has two possible choices, salvage options under LOF, or consider a contract of towage ,master should make a risk assessment of the situation in consultation with his senior management team, due to the unreliability of the navigational equipmet ,and damage to the vessel master should not consider moving under his own power, he considered contract of towage or to hire a salvor   which would result in 4 to 5 times more then the contract of towage, however a prudent master shall inform his owners that he considers it necessary to engage a salvor, The next decision is to accept which salvor services, as there are large number of salvors offering their services , often advise is taken from the shore back up team including the Average adjusters before salvors are hired .The master has to ensure that a careful logging of all events is required thru out the salvage operation, while enroute to the port of refuge he must discuss   plan with owners and managers how he will handle the first few hours when alongside and he will need full support of his ship management team†[3] Cargo jettisoned for the safety of vsl will be allowed general average, after collision both vsl proceed to a port of refuge, the expenses of entering leaving such a port shall be allowed as general average, as stated in the York Antwerp rule X. Loss of freight due to cargo damaged or lost or allowed to lost shall be covered under general average. when the damaged cargo is sold   at a loss, General average allowed will be the difference between the net proceed of sale net sound value General average General average In simple is a partial loss caused by or directly consequential upon a general average act. The General Average as defined in the MIA 1906 s. 66 and York Antwerp rule 2004 rules â€Å"There is a general average act where an extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is voluntarily and reasonable made or incurred in time of peril for the purpose of preserving all the property imperilled in the common adventure’’[4]. As per GA act   damages incurred are usually divided amongst the owner and the shipper,it will depend on the type of charter as to how the expenses will be divided,the Jettisoning of the cargo shall be equally divided between the owner and the   shipper. In the given scenario the vessel had to jettison some containers to assist the vessel to prevent the water ingress for the safety of the ship so this sacrifice was for preserving the property hence eligible for G A. Thus all parties interested in the venture, ship owner, charterers, and cargo owners etc, will proportionally contribute to ship – owner expenses and   for port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs. These are the main five parts which will show whether that act is classed under the GA or not, in fact GA arises when sacrifices have been made for the safety of the ship against cargo and freight, from some peril of the sea or from its effects. The total of such G A allowances is shared between the various parties who stood to lose each contributing in proportion to his percentage of the total values involved. The purpose of G A is to ensure that the owner of the ship or cargo who has incurred an expenditure or suffered a sacrifice of his cargo in time of peril for the purpose of preserving property receives a contribution to his loss from all those who have benefited from the action, G A acts are allowed under the H M repairs,Expenses incurred due to damage to a ship and its cargo and of taking direct action to prevent further damage to the ship and its cargo is taken as Particular Average. Hull and Machinery Insurance The duration of this insurance is for the maximum period of 12 months.this insurance is covered for the damage by herself   caused to the vessel due to marine peril. It is the protection of liabilities’s of :-  ¾ ths collision liability : The underwiter agrees to pay the  ¾Ã‚   of any sum due to the loss:- Damage caused to the other vessel ,also the loss of property and the general average or salvage of other vessel. General average and salvage:-the adjustment made should be according to the law. The insurance covers loss to the ship   caused by following incidents:- Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fire and Explosion Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accident during loading and discharging ,shifting cargo . Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jettisoning of cargo Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Piracy Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Earthquake /Tsunamis Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Peril of the sea,river/lake or any navigable water Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boiler bursting ,defect in machinery,shaft breakage. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Barratry of master/officer/crew. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contact with land conveyance ,dock or harbour equipment. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contact with helicopter,aircraft or falling object. In this scenario own vessel has sailed with a faulty Radar ,this proves that the master had not showed due diligence and will not be getting any compensation.    PI   Insurance Charterrs and ship owners are offered various class of coverage by the PI clubs. PROTECTION COVERS FOLLOWING LIABILITIES:- Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Collision Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cargo claims ,crew claims Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oil pollution LIMITATION AND PI COVER:- The PI club has a board of directors who decide how to limit and restrict the cover that is given to the members. The towage of the ship may cover if the member is liable under contract of towage. The club covers the pollution liabilities only to the liability that the pollution is an extent to the escape or discharge of oil or any substance. In this case own vessel had an inoperational radar,The marine insurance contract had been breached,so the insurance company may refuse   to pay the amount. Due-diligence shall be maintained at all times so that the insurance policy can cover the cargo and the ship against damages at all times. 3. Master’s actions are very crucial to obtain cover under Insurance policies. A prudent Master shall act reasonably with the codes and regulations ,Compliance with the rules and regulation will also reduce the carrier or owner liabilities regarding salvage, Master assess the situation thoroughly whether to take salvage. The right to salvage can only arise in respect of maritime properties. The terms and conditions on which the salver agrees to salve the property is   divided into two basis: Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The daily hire basis Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The Lloyds open form (L.O.F) The term salvage applies to Ø  Ã‚   the service performed by a salvor Ø  Ã‚   the reward paid to a salvor in respect of his successful services. Since there is no formal contract as to the money which the salvor is due on successful completion of the contract such a method is only employed when the marine environment are in grave danger. â€Å"L.O.F’’ is the most widely used â€Å"no cure – no pay’’ salvage contract, in return for salvage services, the salver receives a proportion of the â€Å"salved value ’’the value of the ship, its cargo and bunkers on board the ship. As per scenario own vessel sufferd severe collision damage on the forward end of the No 1 HOLD-Port side,resulting in partial flooding ,Due to this effect vessel was in grave and imminent danger and threat to environment, in shortest time Master decided to take L.O.F to tow the vessel to port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs. Own vessel was under   Llyods open Form Choosing the L.O.F is a matter of getting the best expertise possible in the shortest time, the Master/   owner have insufficient time to arrange a daily hire contract, their need not be a formal signing of the form, the terms and conditions can be agreed on communication the words ‘’L.O.F 2000’’ clearly being spoken during acceptance. In this incident the container vessel suffers minor hull damage and vessel was not imminent danger and not any threat to marine environment so the Master preferred to organize a daily hire agreement. The daily hire agreement would work out more economical and less complicated compare to the L.O.F.The salvage operation and its remuneration are as per the Lloyd’s rules and regulations whereas the towage contract depends upon the rules and regulation entered   by the two signatories i.e. the ship owner and the towing company. The time factor is essential for the Master to make a prudent decision contacting the owner who sought advice from H M and P I club to draw satisfactory action plan. H M and P I, insurance policies covered some losses, however, the Master action are extremely important to obtain cover under the different insurance policies.  Ã‚   BIBLIOGRAPHY College notes – shipmasters business by STC Carriage of goods by sea by john F Wilson Shipmasters business companion by Malcolm maclachlan MCA Guidelines-2003 REFERENCES www, Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Introduction As per this scenario own vessel was on a voyage charter,if on a voyage charter the ship owner provides the charter party with details of ship particulars,capacity and Registry. The ship shall proceed with reasonable dispatch.Vessel shall proceed with Reasonable dispatch,after this the owner shall undertake to carry the cargo destination. A list of expected perils. The charter agrees to pay freight and provides full cargo,as per voyage charterer if the vessel does not arrives at a certain Port on a certain day ,the cancelling clause gives the charter the full right for cancelling the contract. Own vessel loaded a cargo of high grade steel pipes,On loading some steel appeared to be rusty.None of the concerned parties appointed a surveyor. Own vessel also accepted a letter of indemnity from the seller and signed a clean ‘Bill of Lading’(BOL).A clean BOL means that contains no positive defective condition ,The importance of BOL is it is an evidence of contract and it is a receipt of goods carried. It is the duty of master to check cargo practically as stated in the BOL and if it mets the criteria as stated then he should sign the BOL. By signing a bill of lading   without checking the cargo the Master has become to party of fraud,Due to this no claim will be covered by the PI,In this case Master should have signed a CLAUSED BOL.Its a BOL that contains a positive notation of a defective condition of the cargo covered,material ,of its packaging Own Vessel sailed out with faulty Navigational equipment(RADAR)and this fault was aware to the Master and also the company.this showed that the Master of own vessel did not exercise due-deligence to make the vessel sea worthy and sailed out for Sea with faulty navigational equipment,which   lead to a collision with the container vessel. Due-diligence means all efforts should be made ,So that the vessel meets all the requirements to make the vessel seaworthy. To meet these requirements the vessel shall be properly manned and should have qualified , competent and well trained staff on Board.Ensure that the vessel can proceed to sea without any harm or danger to the Personnel,Property or Marine environment. Ensure that the vessel carries all the necessary equipment as per SOLAS regulations. Also the Equipment, Cargo,Hatches   is well maintained and in good condition.Cargo shall be looked and maintained on board until it is finally discharged.This will ensure that the Master and the company has exercised Due-diligence.    The container vessel which had sailed out in a seaworthy condition,this vessel was complying with SOLAS regulations and H-V rules when she sailed out for sea.But a day before the collision the vessel was short manned as 2nd officer was Medically evacuated due to serious injury and rest all officers were working short handed,This lead to short manning which eventually caused fatigue to its officers   and thereby breached SOLAS regulationsThis made the container vessel unseaworthy at the time of collision. But the MCA Guidelines (MSN 1778 (M)),allows a vessel to sail for shorter voyage ,if in incase of emergency ,in the case of short manning ,on a condition that the remaining officers on board are not undergoing through stress or fatigue,due to short manning   and also the ILO guidelines of work are observed(ILO guideline 174),in this   case the owner of the vessel could be had liable ,if apart from breaching SOLAS regulations,the guidelines from MCA has not been followed. Apart from these liabilities ,that has caused by the vessel’s owner due to the breach of statutory regulations and requirements,this incident of collision leads to further liabilities,Own vessel besides the liability incurred by the vessel’s owner due to violation   of article 3 of Hague rules to provide proper documentations and a seaworthy Vessel. Due to collision and the vessel being towed to port of refuge,Liability will also be incurred due to the delay caused in delivery of cargo on time.Also the vessel was loaded with high grade steel pipes,since the vessel collided and suffered collision damage on N0 1 Hold,due to water ingress might have also caused damage to the steel pipes.Expenses incurred due to damage to a ship and its cargo. Own vessel suffered damage at forward N o 1H-port side,which resulted in partial flooding.The container vessel suffered minor Hull damage forward and several containers were lost at sea and some were being jettisoned to help the vessel to prevent water ingress.Master’s duty is to do whatever,necessary or reasonable,so that he can save the ship and cargo from any loss or damage.This allows him   to Jettison the cargo,so that is prudent and safe continuation of the voyage. Both vessels were towed to port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs. As per Hague Visby rules â€Å" the carrier is bound, before and at the beginning of the voyage, to exercise due diligence†. Make the ship seaworthy. Properly manned, equipped and supply the ship. After receiving the goods into his charge the master or carrier or agent,on demand of the shipper ,issue to the shipper a Bill of lading[1] CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE MASTER When there is a collision the MASTER shall follow the following steps:- Inform the company,owners,charterers,PI clubs and Port Authorities . EVIDENCE COLLECTION. Details of both the ships. Deck and Engine log books with entries. All the printouts and graphs from bridge equipments. All the navigational charts before and after collision. All navigational equipment in use at time of collision. Weather conditions at the time of incident. At the time of contact the vessels estimated courses and speed. Communications and signals made a the time of collision. Statements from witnesses after collision. Details of VTS or Port Control if any in operation at the time of incident. Mitigate losses to ship owner. â€Å" The owner should exercise burden of proof relating to the exercise of due diligence as the vsls navigational equipment was faulty which eventually led to a collision with the container vessel. Whenever loss or damage has been resulted on account of unseaworthiness the burden of proof of due diligence should be on the carrier or the other person claming exemption under this article. The onus is cast on the carrier in relation to proof of due diligence, until the other party has established that the vessel was unseaworthy and his loss was due to that fact, alternatively the burden of proof should rest with the carrier who is the only party to have access to the whole   fact†[2] A prudent Master should act reasonably as per the regulations to mitigate liabilities. So the vessel’s owners has to protect themselves under Marine Insurance at all times and mitigate liability it is necessary to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and requirements. 2. Salvage: â€Å"As per the scenario the master has two possible choices, salvage options under LOF, or consider a contract of towage ,master should make a risk assessment of the situation in consultation with his senior management team, due to the unreliability of the navigational equipmet ,and damage to the vessel master should not consider moving under his own power, he considered contract of towage or to hire a salvor   which would result in 4 to 5 times more then the contract of towage, however a prudent master shall inform his owners that he considers it necessary to engage a salvor, The next decision is to accept which salvor services, as there are large number of salvors offering their services , often advise is taken from the shore back up team including the Average adjusters before salvors are hired .The master has to ensure that a careful logging of all events is required thru out the salvage operation, while enroute to the port of refuge he must discuss   plan with owners and managers how he will handle the first few hours when alongside and he will need full support of his ship management team†[3] Cargo jettisoned for the safety of vsl will be allowed general average, after collision both vsl proceed to a port of refuge, the expenses of entering leaving such a port shall be allowed as general average, as stated in the York Antwerp rule X. Loss of freight due to cargo damaged or lost or allowed to lost shall be covered under general average. when the damaged cargo is sold   at a loss, General average allowed will be the difference between the net proceed of sale net sound value General average General average In simple is a partial loss caused by or directly consequential upon a general average act. The General Average as defined in the MIA 1906 s. 66 and York Antwerp rule 2004 rules    â€Å"There is a general average act where an extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is voluntarily and reasonable made or incurred in time of peril for the purpose of preserving all the property imperilled in the common adventure’’[4].    As per GA act   damages incurred are usually divided amongst the owner and the shipper,it will depend on the type of charter as to how the expenses will be divided,the Jettisoning of the cargo shall be equally divided between the owner and the   shipper.    In the given scenario the vessel had to jettison some containers to assist the vessel to prevent the water ingress for the safety of the ship so this sacrifice was for preserving the property hence eligible for G A. Thus all parties interested in the venture, ship owner, charterers, and cargo owners etc, will proportionally contribute to ship – owner expenses and   for port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs.    These are the main five parts which will show whether that act is classed under the GA or not, in fact GA arises when sacrifices have been made for the safety of the ship against cargo and freight, from some peril of the sea or from its effects. The total of such G A allowances is shared between the various parties who stood to lose each contributing in proportion to his percentage of the total values involved. The purpose of G A is to ensure that the owner of the ship or cargo who has incurred an expenditure or suffered a sacrifice of his cargo in time of peril for the purpose of preserving property receives a contribution to his loss from all those who have benefited from the action, G A acts are allowed under the H M repairs,Expenses incurred due to damage to a ship and its cargo and of taking direct action to prevent further damage to the ship and its cargo is taken as Particular Average. Hull and Machinery Insurance The duration of this insurance is for the maximum period of 12 months.this insurance is covered for the damage by herself   caused to the vessel due to marine peril. It is the protection of liabilities’s of :-  ¾ ths collision liability : The underwiter agrees to pay the  ¾Ã‚   of any sum due to the loss:- Damage caused to the other vessel ,also the loss of property and the general average or salvage of other vessel. General average and salvage:-the adjustment made should be according to the law. The insurance covers loss to the ship   caused by following incidents:- Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fire and Explosion Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accident during loading and discharging ,shifting cargo . Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jettisoning of cargo Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Piracy Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Earthquake /Tsunamis Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Peril of the sea,river/lake or any navigable water Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boiler bursting ,defect in machinery,shaft breakage. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Barratry of master/officer/crew. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contact with land conveyance ,dock or harbour equipment. Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contact with helicopter,aircraft or falling object. In this scenario own vessel has sailed with a faulty Radar ,this proves that the master had not showed due diligence and will not be getting any compensation.    PI   Insurance Charterrs and ship owners are offered various class of coverage by the PI clubs. PROTECTION COVERS FOLLOWING LIABILITIES:- Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Collision Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cargo claims ,crew claims Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oil pollution LIMITATION AND PI COVER:- The PI club has a board of directors who decide how to limit and restrict the cover that is given to the members. The towage of the ship may cover if the member is liable under contract of towage. The club covers the pollution liabilities only to the liability that the pollution is an extent to the escape or discharge of oil or any substance. In this case own vessel had an inoperational radar,The marine insurance contract had been breached,so the insurance company may refuse   to pay the amount. Due-diligence shall be maintained at all times so that the insurance policy can cover the cargo and the ship against damages at all times. 3. Master’s actions are very crucial to obtain cover under Insurance policies. A prudent Master shall act reasonably with the codes and regulations ,Compliance with the rules and regulation will also reduce the carrier or owner liabilities regarding salvage, Master assess the situation thoroughly whether to take salvage. The right to salvage can only arise in respect of maritime properties. The terms and conditions on which the salver agrees to salve the property is   divided into two basis: Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The daily hire basis Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The Lloyds open form (L.O.F) The term salvage applies to Ø  Ã‚   the service performed by a salvor Ø  Ã‚   the reward paid to a salvor in respect of his successful services. Since there is no formal contract as to the money which the salvor is due on successful completion of the contract such a method is only employed when the marine environment are in grave danger. â€Å"L.O.F’’ is the most widely used â€Å"no cure – no pay’’ salvage contract, in return for salvage services, the salver receives a proportion of the â€Å"salved value ’’the value of the ship, its cargo and bunkers on board the ship. As per scenario own vessel sufferd severe collision damage on the forward end of the No 1 HOLD-Port side,resulting in partial flooding ,Due to this effect vessel was in grave and imminent danger and threat to environment, in shortest time Master decided to take L.O.F to tow the vessel to port of refuge for emergency dry dock repairs. Own vessel was under   Llyods open Form Choosing the L.O.F is a matter of getting the best expertise possible in the shortest time, the Master/   owner have insufficient time to arrange a daily hire contract, their need not be a formal signing of the form, the terms and conditions can be agreed on communication the words ‘’L.O.F 2000’’ clearly being spoken during acceptance. In this incident the container vessel suffers minor hull damage and vessel was not imminent danger and not any threat to marine environment so the Master preferred to organize a daily hire agreement. The daily hire agreement would work out more economical and less complicated compare to the L.O.F.The salvage operation and its remuneration are as per the Lloyd’s rules and regulations whereas the towage contract depends upon the rules and regulation entered   by the two signatories i.e. the ship owner and the towing company. The time factor is essential for the Master to make a prudent decision contacting the owner who sought advice from H M and P I club to draw satisfactory action plan. H M and P I, insurance policies covered some losses, however, the Master action are extremely important to obtain cover under the different insurance policies.  Ã‚   BIBLIOGRAPHY College notes – shipmasters business by STC Carriage of goods by sea by john F Wilson Shipmasters business companion by Malcolm maclachlan MCA Guidelines-2003 REFERENCES www, [1] College notes-shipmaster’s business [2] Carriage of goods by sea by Jhon F wilson [3] Commercial management for ship masters (A practical guide) Robert L Tallack. [4] Shipmasters business by Malcolm Malcalahan st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;}

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What You Need to Know About Mad Cow Disease

What You Need to Know About Mad Cow Disease When it comes to Mad Cow Disease, its difficult to separate fact from fiction and hard data from supposition. Part of the problem is political and economical, but a lot of it is based in biochemistry. The infectious agent that causes Mad Cow Disease isnt easy to characterize or destroy. Plus, it can be hard to sort through all of the different acronyms used for the scientific and medical terms. Heres a summary of what you need to know: What is Mad Cow Disease Mad Cow Disease (MCD) is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), except that Mad Cow Disease is much easier to pronounce!The disease is caused by prions.Prions can cross between species (although not all species get diseases from them). Cattle get the disease from eating infected food, such as feed that contains rendered parts of infected sheep. Yes, cattle are grazing creatures, but their diets may be supplemented with protein from another animal source.Cattle dont immediately get sick from eating the prions. It can take months or years for Mad Cow Disease to develop. Tell Me About Prions Simply put, prions are proteins that can cause disease.Prions arent alive, so you cant kill them. Proteins can be inactivated by denaturing them (e.g., extreme heat, certain chemical agents), but these same processes usually destroy food, so there isnt an effective method to decontaminate beef.Prions naturally occur in your body, so they are not recognized as foreign and dont stimulate the immune system. They have the potential to cause disease, but wont automatically harm you.Disease-causing prions may physically contact normal prions, altering them so that they too can cause disease. The mechanism of prion action is not well understood. How Do You Get Mad Cow Disease? Technically, you cant get Mad Cow Disease or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, because you arent a cow. People who get a disease from exposure to the prion develop a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) known as vCJD. You can develop CJD randomly or from a genetic mutation, completely unrelated to Mad Cow Disease. MCD, BSE, CJD, and vCJD are all members of a class of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE).It appears that some people are genetically pre-disposed toward developing TSEs. This means that the risk of contracting the disease is not equal for all people. Some people may be more at risk; others may have a natural protection.CJD occurs randomly in about one out of a million people.The inherited version of CJD accounts for about 5-10% of all cases.vCJD may be passed on by tissue implants and theoretically by blood transfusion or blood products. Beef Safety It is not known how much beef has to be eaten to cause infection.Nerve tissue (e.g., brain) and various ground meat products and by-products carry the infectious agents.Muscle tissue (meat) may carry the infectious agent.Rendering or processing foods can (with difficulty) destroy prions.Normal cooking will not destroy prions. What Does the Disease Do in People? TSEs, including vCJD, kill neurons in the brain.The diseases have a long incubation period (months to years), so there is a long time between the point of infection and contracting the actual disease.The death of neurons causes the brain to appear like a sponge (areas of open space between groups of cells).All TSEs are presently incurable and fatal.vCJD affects younger patients than CJD (average age 29 years for vCJD, as opposed to 65 years for CJD) and has a longer duration of illness (14 months as opposed to 4.5 months). How Can I Protect Myself? Avoid eating parts of the cow that are likely to carry the infection (brain, ground products, which could include hot dogs, bologna, or certain luncheon meats).Remember that it is possible that muscle may carry the disease, although it would carry the prion in much lower quantities. Its your choice whether to eat beef or not.Milk and milk products are believed to be safe. Be Careful What You Eat Dont eat processed meat from an unknown source. The manufacturer listed on the label is not necessarily the source of the meat. Mad Cow Disease affects nervous tissue. Until it is known whether only the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) or whether the peripheral nervous system (e.g., nerves that are in muscles) are affected, there may be risk involved in eating any parts of infected beef. That is not to say that eating beef is unsafe! Eating steaks, roasts, or burgers known to have been made from uninfected herds is perfectly safe. However, it may be harder to know the origins of the meat in processed meat products.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Termin Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Termin - Literature review Example This research essay will be endeavouring to highlight the intricacies involved terminal dilapidated claims. This research essay will look into how changes in the CPR (Civil Procedure Code) have impacted the claims on dilapidation and will also analyse the maximum cap on the claims under section 18 (1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 by the landlord . Finally, this will research essay will come to a conclusion after having discussed that how changes of CPR have imposed changes in relation to terminal dilapidation claims. (Olins 2010:4). Claims of Terminal Dilapidation To safeguard the landlords , the Landlord & Tenants Act 1927 ( â€Å" the Act†) was enacted as there was some feeling at the time of enactment of the above act that there existed some disparity in the affiliation between a tenant and a landlord with the latter too often misusing his dominant position. (Olins 2010:8). There will be complexity in arriving at the exact amount of claim under terminal dilapidations . This can be ascertained in two ways. ... U Stores Ltd1, it was decided that there is an onus on the landowner to lessen the loss and this may extend to commencing preparations for carrying out the repairs before the expiry of the lease. Failure to do so may even result in reduction or extinguishment of claim for losses (for example, loss of rent). (Cooke &Woodhead 2007:337). In â€Å"Carmel Southend Ltd v Strachan & Henshaw Ltd†2, there was a covenant to handover the premises in substantial and in good conditions. In this case, whether quantum of damages included cost of patch repairs or whether it has to include whether more wide-ranging over-cladding as demanded by the new tenant. In this case, second limp of â€Å"s18 (1) of the Landlord and Tennant Act 1927† was applied. It was decided that patch repairs were enough to adhere with covenants and stance claimed by the incoming tenant may be relevant but not determinative. It was held by the court that erstwhile tenant was responsible for the full cost of pat ch repairs. (Watt 2007:14). In some cases, landlord may be asked to bear the terminal repairs as in the case of multiple occupations. In some cases, a tenant may serve a notice on landlord with a Schedule of Dilapidation if he fails to repair. In Wallace v. Manchester City Council, the tenant was awarded with damages for inconvenience or discomfiture by a County Court Judge and in appeal, the decision was upheld. In Hallise v. petmoor Developments Ltd, the landlord was held accountable for repairs. (The Times 2000). Civil Procedure Code The Civil Justice Review of 1988 recognised intricacy, expenses and delay as the three grave defects that were apparent in the Civil Procedure Code that existed since 1851. To remove these intricacies, Lord Woolf recommended some major changes in the Civil Procedure Code of

World Bank- Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

World Bank- Globalization - Essay Example It grants aids and loans to the underdeveloped world, funds the provision of infrastructure to poor countries and strives to improve the health, food, education, and sanitation facilities around the globe. This implies that it is an institution coming across with a heterogeneous range of cultures, societies and environments in its every single operation. It requires thoughtful management and leadership roles to deal with such delicate issues upon which its success rests. Hence, the study attempts to illustrate globalization and the issues associated with the term in the practical sense. It will encompass in fine depth the challenges encountered by the global business activities through cultural, social and environmental dynamics. It will be accompanied with a thorough analysis of the management and leadership theories for cross cultural business activities particularly in the context of World Bank's operations. It will provide a fair understanding of the issues concerning the global business activities and the management caliber required to deal with those accordingly. The term 'globalization' has been illuminated by several authors through different words and perspectives such as Daly (1999), Ohmae (1995), Harvey (1996), Dicken (1998) and Brown (1992) etc. According to Ohmae (1995), globalization refers to eradication of all the obstacles coming in the way of social and commercial interaction. This explanation of the term 'globalization' associates it with all the activities that are undertaken to liberate the social and business exchange of information. In other words, globalization takes place when all the barriers to exchange between different nations are obliterated altogether. Brown (1992, p123) describes globalization as the reciprocal link "between overlapping interests of business and society". Under this perception, globalization refers to the connection between the commercial and social concerns when they come to exist together. Daly (1990, p1) illustrates the term more comprehensively as, "Globalization refers to global economic integration of many formerly national economies into one global economy, mainly by free trade and free capital mobility, but also by easy or uncontrolled migration". This illustration of the term broadly relates to the modern view of 'globalization', which combines together the world economies into one 'global village' through free flow of commerce, capital and people from one country to another. Globalization that is concerned in this study is the concept underlying the activities of an organization or institution spread over a global scale. It is compelled to encounter various challenges during the course of its operation owing to the diversity demonstrated in human beliefs, values and performance across the globe. World Bank is a major contributor to globalization. It performs its activities across the globe and exerts efforts to promote the prevalence of globalization. It is the short name for "The World Bank Group" and is formed with several international institutions most conspicuously, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), serving the governments through the provision of loans, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), striving for the promotion of private sector within nations. As indicated

Friday, October 18, 2019

Is it possible to manage peoples values and emotions Essay

Is it possible to manage peoples values and emotions - Essay Example I shall be moving ahead after defining emotions in words of Dess (2010), values and finally the management of these features using the work of Totterwell (2012). In the next section, there would be a description of certain ways in which emotions can be controlled, modified in a workplace and in other environments as well while at the same time creating a distinction between suppression of an emotion its modification (Ostell, Baverstock, Wright 2012). There would be present some explanation of the how Paarlberg and Perry (2007) classify the management of values under the social context along with Willmott’s (1993) study bringing to light the setbacks faced by people over time due to mismanaged emotions in work settings. In the third section of this essay, I shall be elucidating the positive implications of management of emotions and values with reference to the works of Karp, Tanarugsachock (2000) and Shipman, Zeeman, Penza, and Champion (2000) stressing upon the fact that emot ion management has long been used in treating patients of mental disorders like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. Emotions are defined as a conscious experience that includes a state of (physiological) arousal and a mediating interpretation (Dess 2010). Keeping in mind this definition, emotion puts emphasis on two factors, arousal and an attempt on part of the experiencing person or animal to label the experience (Dess 2010). Values on the other hand refer to the beliefs of a set of people or a community regarding the ideas of good and bad, just and unjust, righteous and evil. They are the shared beliefs of a culture which guide a person’s manner in which he expresses his emotions in a situation and his attitude towards it. Emotions and values form an integral part of one’s life, both on individual level and at the level of community. Modulating one’s behavior is important in everyday dealings. Raw or untamed emotions

LAW LLB - FAMILY LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

LAW LLB - FAMILY LAW - Essay Example KH, 2005). This is the universal and perhaps most comprehensive characterization of marriage. Among the most controversial aspects of this is the element of consent. This is encapsulated in the concept of contract. In a contract consent that is not tainted by force or coercion is essential to its validity. Consequently it is also a major of controversy for marriage. This is compounded by the fact that marriages as a social phenomena are diverse and multi faceted. The forces governing present society in the present have imposed significant challenges upon marriage. These adverse forces have given rise to a wide array of problems. Government today struggle tot to protect and uphold family and marriages by finding means to deal with the various problems that undermine them. This also challenges the state to uphold society’s many concepts of marriage while also containing negative elements attributed to it. Furthermore it has to strike the balance between its power to regulate soc iety, society’s right to culture and the welfare of its citizens. This is not a mundane task given the complexity involved and the magnitude of the harms involved society today. Among the malign realities faced by society today are â€Å"forced marriages.† This kind of marriage â€Å"is a marriage conducted without the valid consent of both parties, where duress is a factor. Duress can range from emotional pressure from family members, to threatening behaviour, abduction or imprisonment, and physical violence† (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 2008). In Great Britain alone the â€Å"Government’s Forced Marriage Unit, which handles approximately 5,000 enquiries and 300 cases per year concerning young British nationals at risk of being forced into marriage overseas, believes that forced marriage is another issue that remains vastly under-reported† (House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, 2008). This fact only establishes f urther the gravity of this problem. Not only that but this also significant prove that consent is a highly disputed aspect of marriage. Marriage in the Asian and Islamic cultures is heavily influenced by deeply rooted and long standing traditions. Religion and cultural values are integrated to form the notion of marriage. More importantly these form part of the norms of society. This has entrenched them and ensured their survival to the modern times. Among this practise is forced marriage. Given this socio – historical context forced marriages are not an issue for certain communities and have even proliferated (Muslim Arbitrational Tribunal, n.d.). This provides the socio – cultural roots of forced marriage. Forced marriage proliferates under in certain sectors of society whose cultural beliefs and practices provide the basis for it. It is also in these segments of the community that these are commonly practiced. In these conditions the concept of choice and is subserv ient to the values an traditions of a certain culture. â€Å"The motivations for forced marriages are complex and care must be taken to avoid over-generalisations. However, they do seem to fall broadly into three categories and the category that is perhaps the most common is where young men and women are found to be involved in a liaison which their families disapprove of. Irrespective of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Any topics is fine, as long as connected to microeconomic theories Term Paper

Any topics is fine, as long as connected to microeconomic theories - Term Paper Example Therefore, drawing on a variety of sources the paper will discuss how a decrease in price caused by an increase in the number of supplier shifts the supply curve to the right based on an article on oil prices reduction. Supply is the amount of goods manufacturers or suppliers are willing to sell at a certain price (Colander, 2008). The law of supply says that the higher the price of a product, the more the quantity suppliers or firms will be willing to produce and sell (Hall & Lieberman, 2012). Supply is usually plotted as a supply curve demonstrating the link between price and the amount of products producers are ready to bring to the market and sell. As a result, it slopes from left to right. There are various factors that affect supply, First is the technology used to produce the good. If a firm uses advanced technologies to produce the product, more products will be manufactured increasing supply. Secondly is the price of the product. There is a proportional relationship between price and supply. If the price of a commodity increases, it will result in a proportionate increase in the quantities supplied. Third is the number of firms. When the number of manufacturers increases, there are more suppliers in the market leading to a drop in the price of the commodities supplied. Next is the price of alternative goods (Varian, 2009). When the price of an alternative good rises, the manufacturers find it profitable increasing production. Fifth are the future expectations of the producers. When the producers are looking forward to an increase in price in the future, they can increase their production so as to earn more profits in the future (Perloff, 2007). Consequently, the s upply increases. Sixth is the price of inputs also affect supply. Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, and Weissskopf (2009) observe that an increase in the price of land, labor, and raw materials

Management uncertainty- assessment for Peer Reviewed Reflection Essay

Management uncertainty- assessment for Peer Reviewed Reflection - Essay Example Successful managers and companies accept the fact that uncertainty is an unavoidable factor in business. It cannot be accurately predicted when an economic meltdown can arise or ways in which impacts would occur in the business environment worldwide. As a result, strategic managers and administrators stress upon formulating alternative plans in order to meet with uncertainty. A back-up plan may also prove unsuitable for meeting an uncertain situation as it cannot be precisely predicted how and what type of an uncertain situation an organization might face in future (Van den Bos, 2001). Regardless of extremity of the uncertain situation, a business is required to take action and cope with it promptly. There is also adequate level of uncertainty in the personal lives of most individuals. Individuals must learn to accept uncertainty as an integral part of life from the way in which a business organization operates. When they are faced with an uncertain situation, it is essential that im mediate actions or thinking is undertaken without wasting time upon grieving about it. (Van den Bos and Lind, 2002). One of the effective ways of managing an uncertain situation is to accept the fact that not all aspects of life can be controlled. For instance, it is not possible for individuals to stop a natural disaster from happening. It is important to realize that human control is limited and that the life of most individuals is a result of interaction between various aspects (Conner, 2006). When these aspects alter, an uncertain situation gets developed. For instance, the careless work of a mechanic might cause an engine failure of a car, leading to a major accident. The people travelling in the car could not have predicted such a situation. Similarly, how and when the actions of other people can affect our lives is beyond our control (McGregor, et al., 2001). Individuals

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Any topics is fine, as long as connected to microeconomic theories Term Paper

Any topics is fine, as long as connected to microeconomic theories - Term Paper Example Therefore, drawing on a variety of sources the paper will discuss how a decrease in price caused by an increase in the number of supplier shifts the supply curve to the right based on an article on oil prices reduction. Supply is the amount of goods manufacturers or suppliers are willing to sell at a certain price (Colander, 2008). The law of supply says that the higher the price of a product, the more the quantity suppliers or firms will be willing to produce and sell (Hall & Lieberman, 2012). Supply is usually plotted as a supply curve demonstrating the link between price and the amount of products producers are ready to bring to the market and sell. As a result, it slopes from left to right. There are various factors that affect supply, First is the technology used to produce the good. If a firm uses advanced technologies to produce the product, more products will be manufactured increasing supply. Secondly is the price of the product. There is a proportional relationship between price and supply. If the price of a commodity increases, it will result in a proportionate increase in the quantities supplied. Third is the number of firms. When the number of manufacturers increases, there are more suppliers in the market leading to a drop in the price of the commodities supplied. Next is the price of alternative goods (Varian, 2009). When the price of an alternative good rises, the manufacturers find it profitable increasing production. Fifth are the future expectations of the producers. When the producers are looking forward to an increase in price in the future, they can increase their production so as to earn more profits in the future (Perloff, 2007). Consequently, the s upply increases. Sixth is the price of inputs also affect supply. Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, and Weissskopf (2009) observe that an increase in the price of land, labor, and raw materials

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Global Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Global Leadership - Essay Example With suitable policies in place it would be possible to hasten the allocation of required materials and assimilate federal and military aid. Introduction It is time that both the common people and policy makers understand and accept the fact that climatic changes are rampant with the increasing global temperatures and the melting ice slabs in the Arctic and Antarctic regions and the resulting global rise in sea levels. The past year has been recorded as the warmest year and this warming has resulted in the melting of the glaciers and leaving behind open waters. The mudslides in China and soaring temperatures during summer in Russia are also the result of changing climatic trends (Homer-Dixon, 2010). This continuing change in climatic conditions and the small disasters occurring within short intervals can lead to cascading catastrophes of huge magnitudes that could leave behind severe damages to both human life and property. And in order to effectively combat such catastrophes, a more detailed response option needs to be framed which is different from the traditional responses as these would be ineffective during such circumstances.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nebobites Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free

Nebobites Ethical Dilemma Essay This case involves a small public traded company named Nebobites, which manufactures dog treats. Jenny O. , CPA, is the new Assistant Controller for the Nebobites’ company, and her job is to review and audit the financial statements for the 2012 year. While reviewing the financial statements, Jenny noticed the company’s Allowance for Doubtful Accounts balance seemed significantly higher than in the past. This increase in the Allowance account was due to the Bad Debt Expense estimation being based off 3% of net credit sales instead of the prior years’ estimate of 1. %. The increase in Bad Debts expense as a result of the increase in estimate materially affected the 2012 earnings. However, 2012 had been a great year for earnings, so the additional expense did not disturb the earnings growth trend Nebobites’ had experienced in the past. However, upon further research, Jenny could find no justification for the increase in the Bad Debt Expense estimate from 1. 5% of net credit sales to 3%. Jenny decides to approach her boss, the Controller, Maxwell Devious. He tells Jenny he is aware of the practice known as â€Å"income smoothing. Maxwell Devious says showing a steady growth in earnings was essential to keep the Nebobite stock price high as possible as the Smith family planned to sell-off a significant number of shares in early 2014. Jenny feels extremely uncomfortable with this practice, and she knows that this year’s financial statements will retain an overstated Bad Debt Expense estimate and more than likely result in an understated Bad Debt Expense estimate in 2013. 2. An ethical decision must be made by Jenny, because she is going to have to decide what is morally right or wrong. This fake presentation of increase in earnings will potentially affect every stakeholder involved with the company including their shareholders, creditors, management, employees and the customers. This faulty practice will leave an overstated Bad Debt Expense estimate for the year and more than likely result in an understated Bad Debt Expense estimate in 2013. Jenny needs to decide whether she thinks it is more important to look profitable to investors and appear to have greater wealth or is it more important to show creditors that they do not have sufficient funds to cover their debts. She also knows that Maxwell Devious, the Controller, has an employee profit sharing plan, a management bonus plan based on earnings, significant bank loans outstanding and is planning on raising funds through a bond issue in 2014; all of these are affected by the earnings for the year. 3. By deciding not to change the estimate back to the appropriate percentage of 1. 5%, it does single out individuals and the upper management group. These individuals that are Jenny’s superiors simply do not want her to make the adjustment because it is in their best interest (looking profitable amp; performance bonuses) and not in the company and its stakeholders’ best interest as a whole. It is also a legal violation because the company’s CEO and other top-level personnel should swear that all financial data for the company is relevant and accurate, and they knowingly defy corporate policies and the GAAP. 4. In this particular situation, Jenny is faced with a couple options; some of which are favorable, others not so much. Jenny can choose to abide by her scandalous boss, and decide to go along with the inappropriate change in estimate. This choice may blow over for the time being, but in the long run, Jenny and the company may be audited in the future exploiting their mistakes made in the 2012 financial statements. This could cause Jenny to be immediately terminated when the mistakes were finally found, as well as the possibility of jail time after an investigation and trial. Another possible route Jenny could take would be to report the inappropriate practices to an outsider’s attention, such as an external auditing firm. By doing so, she could save her job possibly for the time the company is being investigated, but may later be fired. Although she will eventually have to find a new job, this choice may save her from being in trouble with the law and potentially boost her chances of finding a new job due to her discovery at Nebobites. Another final option that I would see plausible in this situation would be to simply quit, if the Controller did not want to change the estimation and swear on the financial statements. The legal risk is too high in the case, and you do not want the downfall of Nebobites to be on your shoulders. 5. By deciding to go along with the inappropriate change in estimate, Jenny’s job may be safe for the time being, but in the long run, Jenny and the company may be audited in the future exploiting their mistakes made in the 2012 financial statements. This could cause Jenny to be immediately terminated when the mistakes were finally found, as well as the possibility of jail time after an investigation and trial. This is morally and legally wrong because she knowingly goes against corporate policies and the generally accepted accounting principles in order to reap the benefits. By reporting the inappropriate practices to an outsider’s attention, such as an external auditing firm, she could save her job possibly for the time the company is being investigated, but may later be fired. Although she will eventually have to find a new job, this choice may save her from being in trouble with the law and potentially boost her chances of finding a new job due to her discovery at Nebobites. By choosing this option, Jenny acts in a dignified and legal manner. She knows that she is doing what is right and is protecting stakeholders of the company. The other option of simply just resigning or quitting her position would not have much effect on the company. She is acting morally because she is not going along with the inappropriate practices of Nebobites, but she is not doing what is in the best interest for all stakeholders. The company will most likely find a new Assistant Controller for the operation who will go along with the unlawful scheme. This ultimately resulting in the downfall of the company, when Jenny could have prevented this and saved thousands of jobs by alerting an outside auditor. 6. By alerting an outside auditor to investigate this situation, Jenny does what is in the best interest for all stakeholders. This will eventually reveal the truth and allow shareholders to see the negative affect on stock prices, creditors can be informed on the debt situation of our company and be aware of the risk of dealing with us. Management will be disappointed with the actions of Jenny, in which they sacrificed their performance bonuses and will most likely fire her. The company will still have a chance to flourish, however, when the economy turns back around. By keeping the inappropriate estimate, Jenny will most likely be in the praises of her superiors for the bonuses they received; but, in the longer run, the company’s financial statements will be inaccurate and liabilities to creditors will go unpaid. Shareholders will actual lose more money and the company has the potential to go bankrupt any day if the economy does not take a sudden turn around. The top executives, as well as Jenny, should live in fear of being exploited of their misinterpretations and eventually will get caught up in severe legal trouble. If Jenny simply quit without seeking outside assistance from auditors, she is still acting in a somewhat immoral and illegal manner. This is because the stakeholders of the company will inevitably still be in serious trouble due to the deception of Jenny and the upper management of the Nebobites’ company. . I believe that it is in the best interest for Jenny to consult an outside auditing firm. Although it could potentially make her lose her job when her superiors are notified, it enlightens all stakeholders involved with the Nebobites’ company. The risk is too great if Jenny decides to leave the inappropriate estimate as is; she risks not only losing her job, bu t also risks going to jail, as well as losing her CPA license entirely. It is worth far more in life to be an honest and truthful person who looks out for others than it is to be a deceitful and uncaring.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lessons Found in Beauty and the Beast Essay -- Fairytales Essays Beaut

Lessons Found in Beauty and the Beast   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once upon a time?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The classic opener for any fairy tale, which is no different in the case of Beauty and the Beast. Fairy tales were meant to teach our children life lessons that society, at the time, deems important to learn. They teach us the difference between right and wrong, black and white, good and bad, light and dark, and beautiful and ugly. There are many different variations and names to Beauty and the Beast. This famous fable has been passed down and integrated into our culture time and time again, each time adding different lessons that were thought to be important in that day and age. What has changed over the years? How have the fairy tales of Beauty and the Beast affected the children of yesterday, today and tomorrow? I hope to show how fairy tales, more importantly Beauty and the Beast, is helpful to children in many ways, but mostly by teaching them the way that they should act in society. There are three very important lessons that Beauty and the Beast teaches us. First, and probably, the biggest one, is that beauty is only skin deep. It is what is on the inside that counts. Second, which ties in with the first lesson is, don't be too greedy because you will only be looking for the beauty on the out side. Finally, do unto others as you would have done to you, this will make you beautiful on the inside were it counts. In this paper I am going to take a look at two versions of Beauty and the Beast. Although The Lady and the Lion and Beauty and the Beast are very different, the base story is there. True beauty is determined by what is on the inside and not on the outside. In addition vanity and riches will not make you happy. Finally, to be truly beautiful you must treat people how you would want to be treated. Before I get into those versions of Beauty and the Beast, I want to talk about those who don?t think this fairy tale should be seen or heard by children. One version of this tale is by none other than Disney. Kathi Maio said, ?Disney?s version features a beast who looks ugly and acts even uglier? What a heart-warming fable! Why it?s a regular training film for the battered women of tomorrow!? (194). At first I thought, wow she has issues, but when I looked deeper I found what she meant. Not to say that I agree with her by any means. It is a fairy tale for a reason! These things... ...because of the fear that fairies will come after me and turn me into a beast or a statue. (Which if you think about it would be very scary, seeing a something with wings and a wand flying at you.) I just feel that if you want to be treated well, you should treat others well. This was most likely imbedded into me through fairy tales just like Beauty and the Beast. As you can see from only two very short versions of this fairy tale that the values in it are virtues that we should all have. This fairy tale has been passed down for many generations and with each year it grows and adapts to society, but the bases for this story stay true. You can?t judge a book by its cover. The truth is it is what is on the inside that counts, which leads to the next lesson; that being greedy will not make you happy. For everything you get that you think will make you happy, you will only find that you are unhappier than before. This flows nicely into the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have done to you, and this will bring you true happiness. I believe that this is a great fairy tale and the values it teaches are even better. My children will know the story of Beauty and the Beast well.